December CTA happenings…

December is here, and although some consider the period from Thanksgiving to New Year’s a down-time for business, there are some important things happening in CTA!

First, we have a great opportunity to expand your skills with Getting up to Speed with Multilingual Zoom Meetings happening on Wednesday, December 2, from 2-3:30 p.m. MT. Check out further details on this free event in the CTA events calendar.

Additionally, December 1-31, 2020 is our dues renewal period. This is a month earlier than in prior years, so please remember to renew by December 31. You will note that in consideration of COVID-related restrictions on the types of activities we can offer, as well as decreased expenses, the CTA Board has temporarily decreased dues by $20, while maintaining the $10 discount for on-time dues renewal for individual, corporate and household memberships.

Another exciting event is our first CTA Social Media Challenge, developed by our Social Media Coordinator, Laurel Klafehn. This is a great opportunity to engage other Colorado colleagues on various social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram). Plus, there are great prizes available!

Lastly, we are looking forward to 2021 with some exciting events:
• A monthly T&I roundtable discussion group
• An online showing of the film The Interpreters by Sofian Kahn and Andrés Caballero, followed by a discussion and Q&A with the filmmaker.
• Preparations for our 2021 CTA online conference