Meet Our Colorado Translators: Yvonne Páez

By Marion Rhodes
CTA Social Media Director

December 15, 2013

In today’s edition of Meet Our Colorado Translators, I am talking to Yvonne Páez of Páez Translations, who has been a member of CTA for two years. Yvonne translates and interprets from English into Spanish and from Spanish into English and has been a translator/interpreter for more than 20 years.

Yvonne Páez

Marion Rhodes: Translation wasn’t always your career of choice – you have a BS in Animal Sciences and served several years in the US Army. How did you end up as a translator and interpreter?

Yvonne Páez: Having grown up in Mexico, with a US American mother and an Ecuadorian father, going between the two languages was quite natural to me. Although I was fully bilingual, I resisted the obvious professional choice as my family had a small farm and I enjoyed working with animals. I graduated from Colorado State University with a degree in Animal Sciences and a commission in the US Army. Although I was an MP, rather than a military linguist, I was often asked to interpret for visiting foreign dignitaries. Shortly after leaving the service, I came full circle back to translating and interpreting and started my own business.

MR: Páez Translations offers more than just translation and interpreting services. Tell me more about your company.

YP: Aside from translating and interpreting, we provide private and small group language instruction to individuals or companies who need a flexible alternative to learning a language in a college or other large classroom setting.

MR: The market for Spanish translators is pretty saturated in the United States. How do you differentiate yourself from the competition?

YP: I think professionals, in any field, can distinguish themselves by providing top quality work, outstanding customer service, and having the highest level of integrity and ethical standards in conducting business. Great work speaks for itself, and most new customers come as referrals from very satisfied previous customers.

MR: What are some tools you use as a translator that facilitate your daily work routine?

YP: I have found that the best tools are often God given talents; a sharp mind, self-discipline, and the strictest attention to detail, have often been my best allies. Maintaining extended dictionaries and tapping into the minds of other great translators within our network can also be invaluable.

MR: Speaking of other great translators… You’re relatively new to the Colorado Interpreters & Translators Association. What are some of the benefits of being a CTA member?

YP: I greatly enjoy the networking, the camaraderie, and the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with other translators. It is a nice way to build support systems for a variety of business needs. Those who are newer to the profession can get advice from more experienced translators, and those who are more seasoned have a chance to help others by sharing their expertise.

MR: Of course, our Colorado translators aren’t just about business…

YP: I like that our CTA network is also open to “off topic” issues. For example, one of our CTA colleagues recently invited all CTA members to a special concert of her choir group. We often reach out to each other when special needs arise, such as finding house sitters, finding a handy-person, sharing extra Broncos tickets, etc. CTA even plans a yearly ski day for members to hit the slopes together and enjoy some Colorado snow fun. Helping each other in more than just business, and taking the time to have a little fun together is a special perk of belonging to the CTA.