Meet the new CTA Secretary: Rachel Sinn

By Marion Rhodes
CTA Social Media Coordinator

April 15, 2014

The Board of the Colorado Interpreters & Translators Association has appointed a new secretary to replace Robert Sette, who recently resigned. As his replacement, the Board chose Rachel Sinn, a freelance Spanish/English medical and pharmaceutical translator from Denver. Here is a brief Q&A to help you get to know Rachel.

Rachel SinnMarion Rhodes: Rachel, you’re a relatively new face in our association. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Rachel Sinn: I am a Spanish to English medical translator based in Denver. I have been in business officially for 2 years, and I love what I do. I translate mostly pharmaceutical and medical research texts, since I have a professional background in health care. I also graduated in 2012 from the University of Denver with a Master’s in Translation Studies. I got married to my husband Brent last year, and we have lots of pets but no kiddos quite yet. We love to do everything and anything outdoors!

Marion Rhodes: How long have you been a member of CTA, and what are some CTA events you have attended in the past?

Rachel Sinn: I have been a member for about 2 years now. I have attended quite a few events since I joined. The two that stand out to me are the conference last May and the talk on passing the Spanish to English ATA exam. I have also been to a few happy hours, and I volunteered at the CTA table at the ATA conference.

Marion Rhodes: What made you decide to get involved in the CTA leadership?

Rachel Sinn: I have always felt that the best way to learn and grow in your profession is to get involved. Getting involved with the CTA leadership has been a goal of mine for a while, and I am excited to have the opportunity to help the organization as it enters this new phase as a chapter.

Marion Rhodes: Do you have any other leadership experience?

Rachel Sinn: I have had some kind of leadership role in every place I have worked, but the most applicable was when I proposed and led the development of a language access program for a large orthopedics practice. I have quite a bit of experience in training others as well.

Marion Rhodes: What are some goals you have for CTA?

Rachel Sinn: I would love to see the CTA extend its reach into other parts of Colorado and among the young translators who are still in school. As a DU graduate myself, I would also love to see more students coming to events and really exploring the field. I think we have great potential for growth, and encouraging active participation in Denver is close to my heart.