Heike Holthaus

Meet Our CTA Translators: Heike Holthaus

November 4, 2019

Did you know that almost 10% of CTA members live outside of Colorado? Read an interview with Heike Holthaus, English to German patent translator and one of the out-of-state members of the Colorado Interpreters & Translators Association.

Sean Stromberg

Meet Our Colorado Translators: Sean Stromberg

If you attended the 9th Annual CTA Conference in April, you probably met Sean Stromberg at the book signing table where he sold signed copies of his book “Legal Terminology Dictionary – A bilingual Dictionary for Legal translation and Court Interpreting.” Sean is a Spanish-English court interpreter and recently joined the Colorado Interpreters & Translators Association. Learn more about Sean’s work, his new book, and his other passions in life.

Corinne McKay

Meet Our Colorado Translators: Corinne McKay

By Mery Molenaar, CTA President
January 11, 2019
I have had the great pleasure of interviewing Corinne McKay, French-to-English translator, former CTA president, and current president of the American Translators Association (ATA). Learn more about her work, favorite book, tips for beginning translators, and how she manages to balance a busy and successful career with her “other” life.

Norberto Cardenales

Meet Our New Media Coordinator: An Interview with Norberto Cardenales

By Mery Molenaar, CTA President
October 20, 2018
Earlier this year, then CTA Media Coordinator, Martina Heine-Kilic, was elected to the position of CTA Secretary. Fortunately, it didn’t take us too long to find a replacement for her. Allow me to introduce our new Media Coordinator, Norberto Jr. Cardenales Cardona.



by Ulrike Anderson, Membership Coordinator MAINTAINING YOUR SECOND LANGUAGE: practical and productive strategies for translators, teachers, interpreters and other language … Read more

Ulrike Anderson

Meet Ulrike Anderson: the New CITA Membership Coordinator

By Sharon Heller, CTA Social Media Coordinator.
February 21, 2016
“I’m a Kent State translation program alum. I celebrated 10 years in translation last year. That’s when I decided it was high time to increase my participation in professional associations. While no longer a Colorado resident at that time, I remembered having heard great things about the CTA. I have not been disappointed!”


Meet the New CTA Social Media Coordinator: Sharon Heller

By Marion Rhodes, CTA Interim Vice President.
September 9, 2015
After two and a half years, I decided to give up my position as the social media coordinator for the Colorado Interpreters & Translators Association in order to step in as interim vice president. I am very happy that Sharon Heller of Palisade, Colorado, agreed to take over my position. After talking to her, I am confident that she will take great care of our CTA social media presence. Here is my introductory interview with her.

Jennifer Nielsen

Meet Our Colorado Translators: Jennifer Nielsen

By Marion Rhodes, CTA Social Media Coordinator
January 26, 2015
Many translators have unique stories of how they ended up where they are today. Take CTA member Jennifer Nielsen, a Spanish-into-English translator and owner of Spanish 2 English Translations. In this interview, she tells CTA about her path that has led her from behind a desk at the Colorado DMV to the business world of Guadalajara, Mexico.